DOT-COM Activities: Asia & Near East
Afghanistan Telecommunications and Information Technology Policy Initiative
Country |
Status |
USAID Sponsor |
Active Dates (start and end) |
dot-GOV |
Afghanistan |
Active |
EGAT/EIT/IT (dot Gov leader Award)
10/23/02-11/15/02 |
Description: dot-GOV is continuous technical assistance to the Ministry of Communications (MOC) on spectrum management, internet policy and licensing, and the telecommunications liberalization and privatization process. In 2002 six Afghan professional staff from spectrum management (four) and issues regarding telecommunication privatization (two). Since November 2002 the dot-GOV Program has sent technical consultants gone to Kabul to work with the Ministry of Communications (MOC) on policy prioritization, current project designs and proposals to expand national mobile and microwave coverage, offers of investment from the private sector, spectrum management training (with the State Radio Inspection Service), development of and processes for review and adoption of the Telecommunications Law, and the draft Telecommunications and Internet Policy and the Information and Communications Policy. The current dot-GOV consultant help prepare two MOC officals for advanced spectrum management training during late summer 2003.These consultancies have resulted in recognition by the MOC that a long term advisor with shorter-term specialized consultants providing workshops is needed to build the capacity of MOC staff, many of whom have not had opportunities to gain new skills consistent with the array of telecommunication and IT solutions presented to the government. A dot-GOV consultant continues to provide assistance to the MOC on a weekly basis while this longer term project is being designed and considered for funding.
For more information
Sarah Tisch, Program Director, dot-GOV
Tel: +1 202 833 5740 x 203
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Officials to ITU Conference in Morocco
Country |
Status |
USAID Sponsor |
Active Dates (start and end) |
dot-GOV |
Afghanistan |
Closed |
State Department |
4/7/02-4/16/02 |
Description: dot-GOV sent two Afghan Telecommunication officials to Morrocco to attend an ITU conference in Rabat.
For more information
Sarah Tisch, Program Director, dot-GOV
Tel: +1 202 833 5740 x 203
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Telecom Officials Training with U.S.Telecommunications Training Institute
Country |
Status |
USAID Sponsor |
Active Dates (start and end) |
dot-GOV |
Afghanistan |
Closed |
USTTI/State Dept |
11/12/02 - 11/28/02 |
Description: Internews has assisted the U.S. Telecommunications training Institute with logistical support for the travel of four Afghan telecommunications ministry officials for a spectrum management training course at the U.S. Federal Communications Commission
For more information
Sarah Tisch, Program Director, dot-GOV
Tel: +1 202 833 5740 x 203
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Logistical Support for APEC Meeting on Cyber Security, Moscow, Russia
Country |
Status |
USAID Sponsor |
Active Dates (start and end) |
dot-GOV |
APEC Countries
Closed |
dot-GOV Leader Award
The dot-GOV program through Internews Russia (a Russian nonprofit organization) provided logistical support to the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation and Department of Justice Meeting, “Legal Frameworks for Combating Cyber crime Workshop,” held in August 2002 prior to the APEC TEL meeting.
Sarah Tisch, Program Director, dot-GOV
Tel: +1 202 833 5740 x 203
Technical support to the Central Asian Telecom Training Initiative
Country |
Status |
USAID Sponsor |
Active Dates (start and end) |
dot-GOV |
Central Asia/USA
Closed |
dot-GOV Leader Award
dot-GOV provided travel funds for two experts, Mr. Dale Hatfield, University of Colorado-Boulder, and Mr. Robert Pepper, Federal Communications Commission, to provide technical assistance during the Central Asian Telecom Training Initiative, held at the Burns Telecom Center, Montana State University, Bozeman, Montana, August 2003. The two experts spoke on current regulation issues in wireless telecommunications. A follow-on regional workshop in Central Asia is under consideration. |
Sarah Tisch, Program Director, dot-GOV
Tel: +1 202 833 5740 x 203
Technology Tools for Teaching & Training (Project T4)
Country |
Status |
USAID Sponsor |
Active Dates (start and end) |
dot-EDU |
India |
Active |
USAID/India |
9/2002-9/2005 |
Description: The dot-EDU India T4 Education Initiative is a project that outlines educational interventions to combat the low levels of educational quality in India, especially among girls and other vulnerable populations. It is designed to complement and support the Government of India's objectives for universal education by 2003, and is build on current successes at the national and state levels to further ensure educational quality and to improve access for under-served communities. As part of its broader strategy, the project seeks to deliver better training, support and hands-on practice for educators and students by utilizing a multi-channel approach to deploy information and promote interactive learning. Such information communication technologies as video and radio programs will enable teachers and students to build skills, document activities and reflect on learning methodologies. Most importantly, it actively supports ongoing innovations in the sector, particularly existing models that offer opportunities for replication and scalability.
On February 14/03 the first of a series of dialogues between different stakeholders took place in Bangalore and helped to better define the scope of the project and its activities. An office has been set up in Bangalore.
For more information
William Wright, Program Director
Tel: +1 202 572-3700
Nadya Karim-Shaw, Senior Research Development Associate
Tel: +1 202 572-3700
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e-ASEAN ICT Policy Support
Country |
Status |
USAID Sponsor |
Active Dates (start and end) |
dot-GOV |
Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia |
USAID/Asia Near East Bureau
The e-ASEAN project provides support for regional activities that advance progress on development and implementation of secondary level policy issues concerning telecommunications and the Internet. These activities are critical in helping governments move from legislation to policy implementation, along with the enabling rules, regulations, and processes that foster competitive markets for telecommunications operators and ISP providers, within under a secure digital environment that fosters both openness and economic growth while protecting the integrity of information for citizens, governments, the private sector and civil society organizations.Activities focus on the e-ASEAN agenda for six countries in the region: Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia. The first activities involve placement of a cyber crime security advisor in Indonesia, business linkage tours for Filipino and Vietnamese ICT businesses, a software certification workshop for Vietnam, cyber security workshops for Philippines and Thailand, an ICT assessment for Laos, support to CISCO Academies in Thailand, Vietnam, and Indonesia, e-marketing policy workshop in Thailand, e-business e-learning program for Cambodian business schools, and support to the e-ASEAN secretariat for leased line and extranet services. |
Sarah Tisch, Program Director, dot-GOV
Tel: +1 202 833 5740 x 203
Internet and Telecom Policy for Designs for Democratic Media in Iraq
Country |
Status |
USAID Sponsor |
Active Dates (start and end) |
dot-GOV |
Iraq |
Closed |
1-3 June 2003 |
Description: Dr. George Sadowsky co-led a panel discussion for a USAID/Office of Transitional Initiatives-funded workshop on "Designs for Democratic Media in Iraq," in Athens, Greece 1-3 June 2003. Dr. Sadowsky provided expert opinion in the telecommunications and regulatory panel discussions as well, and reviewed the draft framework. |
For more information
Sarah Tisch, Program Director, dot-GOV
Tel: +1 202 833 5740 x 203
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YouthCaN Med Technology and Environment in the Classroom
Country |
Status |
USAID Sponsor |
Active Dates (start and end) |
dot-EDU |
Lebanon |
Active |
USAID/Lebanon |
Description: The goal of this project is to introduce sustainable, systematic technology into Lebanese schools and develop a teacher training institute so that a threshold of educational leadership in the use and application of technology is cultivated.
Overview: The Lebanese government has identified its goal of expanding technology and internet access to all schools in the country in recognition of the educational and economic value of educational technology to the citizens of their country. YouthCaN is a program that uses new technologies to enhance the understanding of environmental issues and to stimulate students to take steps in their local communities to address those issues. It stresses using technology with academic rigor in scientific methods and environmental education. The Education Development Center and iEARN are working together to implement this project.
Project activities include interactive online training for teachers, workshops with local schools to promote environmental awareness and publication of a local "Environment" magazine with project reports, discussions, essays and other materials designed, edited and produced by students of rural Lebanon.
For more information
Rosemary Lombard, Research Associate, EDC
Tel: +1 202 572-3700
Ed Gragert, Director, iEARN
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Information Technology in the Service of Women in Politics Project
Country |
Status |
USAID Sponsor |
Active Dates (start and end) |
dot-ORG |
Morocco |
Closed |
USAID/Morocco, Regional Bureau |
07/2002 - 09/2002 |
Description: In July 2002, USAID/Morocco and dot-ORG began a three-month information and communications technology (ICT) training project, aimed at enhancing the political participation of Moroccan women. Forty six women political candidates and NGO representatives participated in two three-day training events where they learned how to use ICTs to enhance political campaigns, strengthen advocacy skills, carryout Internet research for informed decision-making, and better serve their communities. The bilingual (French and Arabic) Information Technology in the Service of Women in Politics Project (les technologies de l'information au service de la femme politique), represents AED's first associate award under dot-ORG and the first in a two-phase ICT training program to increase the political participation of Moroccan women. This program is part of a national effort to increase the number of female political candidates in Morocco and to build their capacity to use ICTs. The hands-on training demonstrated: Electronic networking through email, listservs, and on-line discussion fora; Internet research (search engines, web portals and web sites) to seek information to be better informed decision-makers; and Use of word processing, Excel, and PowerPoint to make effective presentations. The participants were a mix of candidates nominated by the national political parties and other unaffiliated women active in various NGOs. In addition to the formal training activities during the three-day event, the women participated in discussions around broad issues of ICTs, gender and policy making.
Later in the year, an additional ICT training activity funded by USAID/Washington will be carried out by MTDS with the ten trainers. This second phase will give 100 women living outside of Rabat and Casablanca an opportunity to learn basic computer and Internet skills. Women currently involved in community development in Morocco represent a group of activists that, with training, are among the most likely to become politically active.
For more information
Eric Rusten, Deputy Director, dot-ORG
Tel: +1 202 884-8714
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Nepal Digital Radio Satellite Broadcast Pilot
Country |
Status |
USAID Sponsor |
Active Dates (start and end) |
dot-ORG |
Closed |
USAID/Asia and Near East Bureau
07/2002 - 09/2002 |
Description: dot-GOV provided a pass-through grant to the United Foundations Foundation to complete funding for the Digital Satellite Broadcast Project implemented by the NGO, Equal Access to provide programming on HIV/AIDS prevention, targeted specifically to at-risk populations of young women and girls transmitted over digital radio. Using WorldSpace Satellite technology which broadcasts clear digital radio signals from a satellite to inexpensive portable radios, Equal Access prepares appropriate development information for transmission.
The Nepali project partners are using proven development radio programming techniques (focus groups, targeting women and vulnerable groups, pre-testing, feedback loops and a strong monitoring and assessment component) to increase the utility of the information in promoting behavioral change. Interviews with a number of listening group entities showed both a robust appetite for information and a demonstrated change in behavior when given information (e.g. – village banks, condom use, etc), as well as an ability to effectively involve women and girls. The larger Equal Access project has four components: a Far-West Remote Area Pilot; a Multi-media Pilot; Financing a high-speed Internet link; and an FM Partnership with existing ‘traditional’ radio stations.
For more information
Sarah Tisch, Program Director, dot-GOV
Tel: +1 202 833 5740 x 203
- Nepal Digital Radio Satellite Broadcast Project Success Story
- Nepal Background Information
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Seminar on Cyber Crime Legislation and Enforcement Capacity Building
Country |
Status |
USAID Sponsor |
Active Dates (start and end) |
dot-ORG |
Thailand, Indonesia and the Philippines
Closed |
June-August,2003 |
Description: A training seminar, "Cyber Crime Legislation and Enforcement Capacity Building," sponsored by the APEC Telecommunications and Information Working Group, E-Security Task Group and the Department of Justice was held 21-25 July 1003 at Bangkok Thailand. dot-GOV organized the seminar arrangements and logistics and assisted with the organization of post-workshop follow-on activities in Thailand, Indonesia, and Philippines for Department of Justice staff. A sub-contract was awarded to Kenan Institute-Asia to arrange and facilitate the seminar logistics in Bangkok. The seminar objectives were to develop legal frameworks for combating cyber crime and the development of law enforcement cyber crime investigative capacity capable of international cooperation on a 24/7 basis. The seminar focused on the policy issues and legislation needed by attending countries; these discussions were reflected in the action plans developed for each country. Delegations from Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand, and Laos and Cambodia were sponsored by funds provided to dot-GOV from USAID/ANE Bureau through a budget modification (September 2002) Several of the follow-on activities of this seminar include country specific cyber crime workshops for Thailand and the Philippines, and the plan to post a cyber security specialist with the Cyber Crime Unit of the Indonesian National Police for one year.
For more information
Sarah Tisch, Program Director, dot-GOV
Tel: +1 202 833 5740 x 203
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Conference on International E-Commerce and Information Infrastructure Policies
Country |
Status |
USAID Sponsor |
Active Dates (start and end) |
dot-GOV |
Vietnam |
Closed |
EGAT/EIT/IT (dot-GOV leader award) |
October 15-17, 2002 |
Description: dot-GOV gave a sub-grant to Kenan Institute to organize a workshop on “International e-Commerce and Information Infrastructure Policies,” which was held in Hanoi in November 2002 and supported ongoing USAID project activities in Vietnam. The workshop was attended by the Vietnamese inter-ministerial committee responsible for developing policies, legislation, and regulations to reform the ICT sector, and the National Steering Committee on Information Technology. A large group of private sector representatives attended one day of the workshop. Gender issues were discussed within the context of rural access and policies that can stimulate use of ICTs among small and medium-sized businesses included those operated by women. Workshop topics included policies affecting payment mechanisms, authentication, consumer protection, data and network security and trade in ICT services and equipment. The workshop assisted the Government of Vietnam in promoting participation of Vietnamese enterprises in global e-commerce and prepared it for international e-commerce policy discussions. |
For more information
Sarah Tisch, Program Director, dot-GOV
Tel: +1 202 833 5740 x 203
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Study of the Impact of the IBM IT Teacher Professional Development System
Country |
Status |
USAID Sponsor |
Active Dates (start and end) |
dot-EDU |
Vietnam |
Active |
EGAT/EIT/IT (Leader Award and match) |
Description: dot-EDU has planned a study examining the influence and potential expansion of the IBM’s Professional Development Laboratory, which is part of the global Reinventing Education program. Through ongoing discussions with IBM, they have agreed to focus on the impact of their teacher professional development program on two major issues: girls’ education and the ability of the program to go to scale.
For more information
William Wright, Program Director
Tel: +1 202 572-3700
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Internet in Yemeni Highschools
Country |
Status |
USAID Sponsor |
Active Dates (start and end) |
dot-EDU |
Yemen |
Active |
USAID/Yemen |
Description: USAID-funded to create a communication and collaborative learning network for 24 high schools throughout Yemen, with each other and with high schools in the United States.
Project Overview To connect a sample of schools in Yemen to the internet in order to:
- Improve teachers’ ability to facilitate student-centered lessons, including inquiry teaching and cooperative learning, through the use of internet to connect with peers in Yemen, the region and the US
- Improve student learning by allowing Yemeni students, and girls in particular, to do research, access information, share information with and learn from other students in Yemen, the region and the US
- Assess the impact of the use of internet as a teaching and learning tool in the selected schools in Yemen.
Overall Project Objectives Improve teachers’ ability to facilitate student-centered lessons, including inquiry teaching and cooperative learning, through the use of internet to connect with peers in Yemen, the region, and, by extension, the US.
- Link teachers to professionals in the region and/or the US and other e-learning resources.
- Provide teachers with methods of student-centered instruction, lesson plan development, and other educational opportunities related to the digital media.
- Dot-EDU will work with SOUL to conduct a study on barriers to females in the use of information and communication technologies (ICTs).
- Presentation of study results and development of plan to ensure girls’ access and involvement.
Improve student learning by allowing Yemeni students, and girls in particular, to do research, access information, share information with and learn from other students in Yemen, the region and the US.
- Launch telecollaborative projects for Yemeni students to work together. Both I*EARN and WorldLinks will work with schools that come on-line in Yemen to facilitate contact and set up channels so that students can collaborate in project-based learning instructional activities. These activities will engage students in problem solving activities in groups that function across schools and, in some cases, across borders.
- Launch telecollaborative projects for Yemeni students to work with American students and students in the region. Through their respective activities, I*EARN and WorldLinks will set up collaborative relationships for connected classrooms in Yemen with US based classrooms and classrooms and classrooms in other Arabic speaking countries.
- Launch activities for less structured student interaction, such as chat rooms, bulleting boards, on-line newspapers. As students and teachers become more familiar and comfortable with the use of the internet to launch collaborative projects and structure learning opportunities, I*EARN will work with teachers to facilitate less structured, more student directed interactions over the internet.
Assess the impact of the use of internet as a teaching and learning tool in the selected schools in Yemen.
- Assess teacher performance in utilizing the internet in the classroom. Dot-EDU will utilize a classroom observation rubric and teacher interviews to assess teachers’ ability to utilize student centered methods in facilitating the use of internet in the classroom.
- Assess student learning vis a vis internet use and internet related projects. Dot-EDU will utilize classroom observation, student interviews and Yemeni student test results (for selected schools to compare how students with connectivity are doing, in comparison to the national average results on exams) to assess student learning through classroom based internet related projects.
Project Personnel
Field Staff: Dr. Towfick M.A. Sufian, Chief of Party: Dr. Sufian has had 15 years experience in the design, negotiation, and implementation of large-scale national-level “bricks and mortar” and human capacity development projects funded by international donors, primarily in the education sector. Named by the President of Yemen, he acted as Vice-President of Graduate Studies and Scientific Research at Sana’a University, giving him the duties of leader, spokesperson, and liaison for advanced studies in Yemen’s higher education community. He has also worked in the Ministry of Education in Yemen since 1992. He received his Ph.D. and M.Sc. from Salford University in electrical engineering and also earned a B.Sc. in electrical engineering from Liverpool Polytechnic.
For more information
Helen Boyle, Project Director
Phone 202-572-3737
Fax 202-298-6038
Amel Osman, Project Associate
Phone 202-572-3721
Fax 202-298-6038
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