ICT Alliance of Namibia: dot-GOV
The Namibia Communications Commission (NCC) held a workshop on Rural Access to Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) during February 2003 in Windhoek.
The purpose of this workshop was to assist policy-makers to understand the opportunities and challenges presented by the rural access needs in Namibia. The purpose was also to assist in the development of strategies for overcoming those barriers in a policy environment that supports open entry and innovative approaches to rural access. There is a growing body of experience inside and outside the region on how best to create a regulatory and policy environment that supports rural access and the development of sustainable telecentres and community access centres. The event was timely for Namibia, since it is in the process of developing a strategy for rural access, establishing an independent sector regulator, and is finalising communications legislation.
At this workshop to whom ICT Stakeholders including Namibian ICT sector ministries, regulators, rural access program beneficiaries and communications service providers where invited and largely also attended, one of several recommendations was to create an ICT Alliance of stakeholders to assist in the development of a universal access policy and guidelines. The original Rural Access focus was changed to that of Universal Access, which is deemed to include Rural Access.
An initial Alliance workshop was held subsequently in March 2003. Over forty people from different sections of the stakeholder community attended. The workshop group drew up a set of goals and objectives for the Alliance. They then elected an interim steering committee tasked with drawing up a detailed constitution and other guiding documents for the Alliance.
The committee of ten people is drafting bids for funding, seeking legal advice on the draft constitution, producing an operational model, raising awareness and other initial tasks.
The interim committee aims to complete its tasks by June 2003 when Alliance members can officially join and the official committee will be elected.
Universal Access to ICT in Namibia.
The objectives of the Alliance
- To harmonise various ICT interest groups
- To agree on a general framework for advice on the concept of 'Universal Access' and 'Universal Service' for Namibia
- To help identify and clarify ICT needs in Namibia
- To recommend quality and service standards for ICT
- To match appropriate stakeholders to beneficiaries
- To develop and propose models and mechanisms which can provide self sustaining Universal Access in Namibia
- To establish and propose priorities for development of ICT in Namibia
- To raise awareness and promotion of ICT in Namibia
- To be an ICT "Think Tank" for Namibia
- To offer advice on ICT
- To offer input towards policies for Universal Access
- To offer input towards policies for an Universal Access Fund
- To promote open standards for access and content delivery
- To improve national ICT skills
The role of the Alliance
The role of the Alliance, through its wide membership, shall be:
- To add value to decision-making processes.
- To offer assistance to initiatives underway within Namibia e.g. ICT policy, Communications Bill, Science Bill, NDP2, Vision 2030, Competition Bill.
Workshop Participants
A large number of organisations took part in the two workshops:
- Academy for Educational Development
- Africaonline
- American Federation of Teachers Educational Foundation
- Audio Visual Media
- Botswana Telecom Authority
- Centre for Disease Control and Prevention
- Communications and Business Consultants CC
- Community Skills Development Centre
- Direqlearn SA
- Friedrich Ebert Stiftung
- Global Trade & Technology Network (USAID)
- Infundo
- Institute for Management and Leadership Training
- Institute for Public Policy Research
- iway
- Microsoft
- Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Rural Development
- Ministry of Basic Education, Culture and Sport
- Ministry of Environment and Tourism
- Ministry of Finance
- Ministry of Foreign Affairs
- Ministry of Health and Social Services
- Ministry of Higher Education, Training and Employment Creation
- Ministry of Home Affairs
- Ministry of Justice
- Ministry of Lands, Resettlement and Rehabilitation
- Ministry of Regional, Local Government and Housing
- Ministry of Trade and Industry
- Ministry of Women Affairs and Child Welfare
- Ministry of Works, Transport and Communications
- Mobile Telecommunications Limited
- M-Tech Namibia
- M-WEB Namibia
- Namibia Chamber of Commerce and Industry
- Namibia College of Open Learning
- Namibia Development Gateway
- Namibia Economic Policy Research Unit
- Namibia Grapes Company
- Namibia Information Technology Association
- Namibia Nature Foundation
- Namibian Communications Commission
- NamPower
- NamWater
- National Assembly
- National Council
- National Democratic Institute
- National Institute for Educational Development
- National Planning Commission
- Office of the Prime Minister
- Peace Corps
- Polytechnic of Namibia
- Rossing Foundation
- SchoolNet Namibia
- SchoolNet SA
- Sida
- Sigma One
- Tele 2
- Telecom Namibia
- Transtech Communications
- University of Namibia
- USAID project
- Vocational Training Centre
- World Wildlife Fund
The benefits of membership
- Up to date information on national ICT policies and plans, development and progress
- Ability to interact with lead ICT organisations
- Increase the profile of your organisation
- Advise policy makers
- Take part in developing models for universal access
- Partnerships in obtaining funding
For more information
Mr Jan Kruger, Namibian Communications Commission (NCC)
Tel +264-61-222666
Mr Johan Schutte, Namibian Communications Commission (NCC)
Tel +264-61-222666