image of two girls from Brazil working on a computerimage of school children from Guineaimage of three children from Guinea readingimage of two girls from Egypts using a computer
Digital Opportunity through Technology and Communication Partnerships

DOT-COM Awardees:

Policy & Regulation

Access & Application

Learning Systems


DOT-COM Background
The DOT-COM program provides USAID access to over fifteen grantee institutions and more than 75 resource partners who work on ICT-for-development issues. Building on the strategies of the African Leland initiative and the worldwide Internet for Economic Development Initiative, DOT-COM provides USAID missions with a broad set of tools to participate in a global effort to bridge the digital divide.

USAID Contacts:
USAID/DOT-COM contact:
Anthony Meyer
USAID/dot-GOV contact:
Edward Malloy
USAID/dot-ORG contact:
Brian Bacon
USAID/dot-EDU contact:
Stephen Tournas
Linking to Private Sector Resources:
Elizabeth Range
Gender Equity:
Macol Stewart Cerda

How DOT-COM Works
Three "Leader with Associate" cooperative agreements have been awarded to implement the USAID DOT-COM program.

"Leader" refers to the core award vested with central funds. "Associates" refers to awards associated with the leader award which are negotiated without further competition by the missions or operating units funding the associate award (similar to task orders under an IQC contract instrument).

Each of the DOT-COM Leader with associates awards has a prime grantee with sub-grantees and resource partners who are named in their respective categories. Collaboration with sub-grantees and resource partners can be accessed through the prime. The three DOT-COM awards are linked to work cooperatively through a secretariat housed in the dot-ORG award. The expected value of the awards is $75,000,000 over five years: $15,000,000 of core funds; $60,000,000 of mission/regional bureau funds. These are not fixed ceilings.

DOT-COM Complementary Tools
The DOT-COM program complements the services of two other EGAT/EIT/IT activities also available to missions:

(1) short-term training through the U.S. Telecommunications Training Institute (USTTI) which provides tuition-free courses on issues in telecommunications, Internet and e-commerce and can tailor longer-term country-specific programs by special arrangement via buy-ins; and

(2) an inter-agency agreement with the Department of State which can provide experts from the Federal Communications Commission, the Department of Commerce and other federal agencies and international organizations to support policy and regulatory reform.

Anthony Meyer or Edward Malloy to access these services.

Any questions may be directed to
Siobhan Green, Information & Dissemination Coordinator, DOT-COM Alliance