EVENT: Speaker Series on Cyber-Security Issues in International Development Environments

On September 16, 2004, the DOT-COM Alliance and InterAction co-hosted the fourth Speaker Series on ICTs and Development. The topic was “Cyber-Security Issues in International Development Environments.” A panel of four cyber-security experts provided a rich learning experience and opportunities for discussions.

Panelists Presentations were delivered by the following experts:

Snapshots from the presentations

  • Cyber-security is a shared responsibility. It is the responsibility of governments, private sector service providers, software and hardware makers, as well as users.

  • In the absence of secure information networks that citizens and businesses can trust, all the benefits of IT are in danger.

  • Cyber-security encompasses both attacks on computers and information shared through computer networks, but also any “real world” crime committed using computer networks.

  • Cyber-security strategies need to be comprehensive and cover many components, including: Industry standards and best practices; Information sharing through CERTs; Awareness and education; R&D; Legal frameworks (civil and criminal) and law enforcement.

  • Some models for IT security guidelines are emerging across the world, as many countries and regional organizations are developing comprehensive frameworks for addressing cyber- security.

  • International cooperation is essential. Cyberspace does not respect national boundaries and cyber-security is a borderless issue that requires extensive collaboration across borders.

  • Cyber-crime issues cover a sub-set of cyber-security issues and relate primarily to the ability of law enforcement to investigate cyber-crime and crimes facilitated by computer.

  • A well-developed set of cyber-security guidelines would include checks and balances, giving law enforcement the tools to effectively identify cyber-criminals, but ensuring that the same tools are not used to deny citizens their right to privacy and anonymity.

  • Governments have an important role to play in protecting their own network, contributing to awareness raising, information sharing and R&D efforts.

  • The US Government, through the Department of Justice, has been providing support to other countries and to multilateral organizations in the form of a roadmap to decisions that must be made, without necessarily encouraging countries to copy US law.

  • Developing countries hoping to get a share of the growing outsourcing market are finding that unless they have the appropriate legal framework and necessary IT security measures in place, they will be bypassed by US and European companies looking to outsource some of the operations in lower-wage areas of the world.

How is the DOT-COM Alliance helping?

  • Awareness raising, with events such as the Speaker Series, reaching development professionals in the Washington, D.C. areas.
    See details of this cyber- security event, including a transcript of the Q&A session.

  • Awareness raising, more globally, with virtual conferences such as the online discussions through the GKD list – dot-ORG
    Explore the archives of the discussions on cyber-security

  • Supporting regional collaboration on cyber-security through dot-GOV
    See previous article: Supporting Regional Collaboration on Cyber-Security

  • Helping specific countries such as Romania and Indonesia to fight cyber-crime through dot- GOV

This activity is funded through the "Digital Opportunity through Technology: Government" or "dot- GOV" Leader with Associates Cooperative Agreement awarded to Internews Network on September 21 2001, with funding through USAID/EGAT (Cooperative Agreement No. GDG-A-00-01-00009-00). The purpose of the activity is to communicate experience, technical advances, and recent advances in the area.

For More Information, Contact:
Sarah Tisch, Ph.D.
Chief-of-Party, dot-GOV
Internews Network
Tel: 202 833-5740 x 203

Brian King
ICT Working Group Coordinator, InterAction
Tel: 202 667-8227

Jonathan Metzger
Internet Development Advisor, USAID Asia and Near East Bureau
United States Agency for International Development
Tel: 202 661-5856

Related Resource Partners
Related DOT-COM Activity
Philippines - Workshop on Cybercrime Legislative Capacity

Indonesia Cyber Crime Policy Assistance

Asia and Near East - Using ICT for Development Across the ASEAN Region (e-ASEAN Support)
Related DOT-COMments Newsletter Articles
Related Links
Click on USAID's logo to visit USAID
Click on Internews Network logo, to visit Internews
Click on Academy for Educational Development (AED) logo to visit AED
Click on Educational Development Center (EDC) logo to visit EDC
Core funding for the DOT-COM Alliance is provided by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), Bureau for Economic Growth, Agriculture & Trade, Office of Infrastructure and Engineering (EGAT/OI&E), Office of Education (EGAT/ED), and Office of Women in Development (EGAT/WID), under the terms of Award numbers: GDG-A-00-01-00009-00, dot-GOV; GDG-A-00-01-00014-00, dot-ORG; GDG-A-00-01-00011-00, dot-EDU.
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