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Projete Atividades: 28 de julho - 1 de agosto de 2003
I. Programa de Treinamento:
Youth Profile in English
English teachers, Bárbara Formiga and Camila Drummond, volunteers from ABA (a prominent English school in Recife), are currently working with youth to craft English sentences while they write about themselves in

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their on-line profiles. Youth are also learning the different names for family and relatives, by drawing their family tree as organograms. According to the teachers, the initial work is based on basic vocabulary and short sentences, but it is a good way to enhance their English communication skills through information about themselves and their ascendants. Soon, they will publish their profiles on the English side of the Program’s new website (see below).

Grammar becoming Percentage?
In the “Rouxinol” project, youth read a text about the possible harms to health caused by the inappropriate use of the computer and highlighted all the words with a specific intonation which is the most common in Portuguese words. Next, they had to identify rules of accentuation according to the words that were found. On the next class, youth will work with math and software teacher to identify the frequency of words with specific accentuation, so that they can see the importance of each

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and apply them for a better writing. The Program, staff and mentors have noticed the importance of enabling youth to practice their writing through their daily projects (writing texts, presentations, feedbacks, etc.), their personal profiles, editing content on the project’s website and the message exchange (via instant messenger and e-mail) with their e-Mentors. All of these activities are being facilitated by teachers, mainly Portuguese, Employability and E-Mentoring professionals, so that all the work can be revised and youth can improve their writing skills.
Youth awareness about Program representation.
During a routine visit to the training facility, the program coordinator was suddenly asked by two youth about the exact role of the Government partnership in the Program. After being told that the partnership was concerning the government’s “My First Job” program, where companies would receive funds from the State Government as an incentive to host internships in their companies, they explained the reason for their questions. Cintia and Abraão, two or our youth, explained that many people ask them a lot of questions about the Program: how they learned about the Program, how they were selected, what are the roles of the partners, etc. They explained that it was important to know the details about the program so that they could answer these questions accurately and provide precise information to the public. Cintia said that she usually explained that the selection process had started with 200 people to reach the 50 and she felt proud to be one of them. Abraão said he was once asked why the project was started in the Northeast and not in the South (usually considered as economic development) and he could not explain the reason. He said that he was intrigued by the question, as according to him, the media usually focus on the South and if the Program was
implemented there, it would definitely receive more attention from the media. The program coordinator explained that the need of social projects, the existence of capable organizations and the many talented young people like themselves explained why this pilot stated in Pernambuco. The program coordinator was surprised by the level of awareness of these youth concerning about the Program and decided to schedule specific and frequent time for youth to feel free and ask questions about the Program when they arise.

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O Programa Para o Futuro é financiado pela Missão da
Agência Norte-Americana para o Desenvolvimento Internacional (USAID) e
administrado pela Academia para o Desenvolvimento da Educação (AED) e projeto dot-ORG
sob o Acordo de Cooperação #512-A-00-02-00017-00.