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The DOT-COM Alliance (2001-2008) was a USAID-funded program to promote the use of information and communications technology (ICT) across all development sectors. Don't forget also about the order essay to attract as much information as possible about communication technologies, and to be sure of their accordance with real data. Although the program is now closed (dot-GOV in 2006, dot-EDU in 2007, and dot-ORG in 2008), this website has been maintained for public reference. Use the Leader with Associates InstrumentMaximizing the Benefits of Classroom Monitoring in Education
The ICT revolution is bringing tremendous benefits to millions around the globe - but is also leaving millions behind, through a lack of access and a lack of relevant applications. dot-ORG works with USAID and USAID partners to help bridge these gaps and gives support to:
- Improve ICT policy and regulatory environments to enable rapid ICT deployment and effective utilization, including telecommunications policy and e-legislation, encompassing security, privacy, and cybercrime issues; and increase awareness of ICT policy, legal and regulatory issues among policymakers, the judiciary, and other stakeholders responsible for policy development and implementation.
- For example, dot-ORG designed and created comprehensive e-Legislation model laws for Kenya.
- Increase access to ICT by deploying sustainable public access solutions in underserved semi-urban and rural areas thereby opening up opportunities for larger segments of the population to benefit from ICT.
- For example, dot-ORG has worked most recently in Macedonia, Paraguay, and Kyrgyzstan to deploy locally-adapted Internet access solutions.
- Design and implement innovative applications to support sector growth, including mobile applications such as m-banking, supply chain management, leveraging mobile technologies and sector-specific technologies to develop high-impact applications.
- In Mongolia, dot-ORG piloted innovative mobile technologies (Voice over WiFi) to improve rural access to telecommunications. In Paraguay, dot-ORG is expanding the reach of a public Internet access project to integrate a mobile banking platform that will link rural microfinance clients to lending institutions via cell phones.
- Enhance learning and information disssemination by developing knowledge products, organizing knowledge sharing and capacity building events, as well as developing relevant web content. For example, dot-ORG coordinates and facilitates the annual USAID/USTTI e-Government seminar and compiled a series of Lessons Learned based on its project experience.
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See also the Archives
dot-GOV - Policy & Regulatory Reform Led by Internews Network
dot-EDU - Learning Systems Led by the Education Development Center (EDC)
Core funding for the DOT-COM Alliance is provided by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), Bureau for Economic Growth, Agriculture & Trade, Office of Infrastructure and Engineering (EGAT/OI&E) Office of Education (EGAT/ED), and Office of Women in Development (EGAT/WID), under the terms of Award numbers: GDG-A-00-01-00009-00, dot-GOV; GDG-A-00-01-00014-00, dot-ORG; GDG-A-00-01-00011-00, dot-EDU. |
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