Title: Engaging the Private Sector
Issue: March 2007, Issue 19
DOT: dot-ORG
Summary: Public/private partnerships can work. Understanding the exact nature of the partnership and leveraging potential is key as it helps to keep track of Return on Investment (ROI) related to such partnerships and to focus efforts on the types of partnerships that have the highest leveraging potential rather than focusing on specific types of partners.
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Title: Expanding the Market for ICT Services Through Competitive Tendering and Subsidies
Issue: March 2007, Issue 19
DOT: dot-ORG
Summary: A good project design must include plans for long-term sustainability. For ICT projects, in particular where the private sector is involved, sustainability usually requires the right mix of competitive tendering and subsidies to ensure that 1) the incentives exist for the private sector to extend ICT services where it would otherwise not provide services; and 2) end-users are encourated to test those services and acquire the skills needed to use those services effectively.
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Title: Improving Project Design (I) -- Tipping Points and Thresholds
Issue: January 2007, Issue 18
DOT: dot-ORG
Summary: Tipping points and thresholds are the triggers that signal critical changes. Identifying tipping points and critical thresholds that can serve as short and medium term targets within a longer-term project can help to ensure rapid results and long-term success.
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Title: Improving Project Design (II) - Keeping Scale in Mind
Issue: January 2007, Issue 18
DOT: dot-ORG
Summary: Scaling up is more than just about increasing the geographic range of a project, increasing the number of beneficiaries or sites. It is about doing things on a larger scale but that implies doing thing differently. In other words, scaling up is not the same as replicating on a larger scale.
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Title: Knowledge Product Highlights: The Energy Solutions Toolkit for ICT Projects
Issue: July 2005, Issue 12
DOT: dot-ORG
Summary: Developed in collaboration with Winrock International, the Energy Solutions Toolkit for ICT Projects is a web-based interactive toolkit that helps users select the most cost-effective mix of ICT and energy systems for projects across sectors.
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Title: Women and ICT Policy
Issue: May 2005, Issue 11
DOT: dot-GOV
Summary: Focusing efforts into increasing womens participation in policy, regulatory and advocacy issues is an effective and powerful way to achieve competitive and fair levels in the ICT sector. This has the potential to increase the role of women in community decision making, where they can influence policy issues at any government level. With increased participation, women can then ensure that gender issues are taken into account in ICT resource planning and administration.
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Title: ICTs, Decentralization and Local Governance: Exploring the Potential (dot-ORG)
Issue: March 2005, Issue 10
DOT: dot-ORG
Summary: In a context of decentralization, local authorities face increased responsibilities, limited resources, and at times, limited human resource capacity. In such environments, strategic investments in ICTs can really pay off.
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Title: Editorial: Focus on Sustainability
Issue: January 2005, Issue 9
Summary: This editorial introduces each of the articles of the December 2004 issue of the DOT-COMments newsletter in the context of this issue's theme of sustainability.
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Title: ICT Policy and Sustainability: Experience from the dot-GOV Program
Issue: January 2005, Issue 9
DOT: dot-GOV
Summary: This article highlights two perspectives on ICT policy and sustainability. First, it outlines key elements of a sustainable approach to ICT policy reforms, with examples based on dot-GOVs experience in making ICT policy reform sustainable. Second, the article looks at the impact of ICT policy and policy reforms on the support of efforts to bridge the digital divide and to make effective use of ICT to help tackle development challenges.
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Title: Rwanda: The Power to Succeed
Issue: January 2005, Issue 9
DOT: dot-ORG
Summary: An unreliable power supply can result in loss of revenues and loss of clientele for telecenters. In Rwanda, dot-ORG has asked Winrock to establish battery back-up solutions for the three Community Internet Centers established under the ICTs for Elections and Community Access project.
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Title: The Global Knowledge Development Forum: A unique learning community and DOT-COM partner
Issue: January 2005, Issue 9
Summary: The GKD Forum, hosted by the DOT COM Alliance and moderated by EDC, is a unique virtual learning community that brings together NGOs, government agencies, international development organizations, commercial firms and technology specialists from every region of the world. Together, they explore and exchange experience and innovative practices using information and communication technology (ICT) for development. In a rapidly evolving field in which all are concerned with sustainability, GKD plays a key role in allowing exchanges of experiences and field-based knowledge about both the challenges and solutions of sustainability.
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Title: EVENT: Speaker Series on Cyber-Security Issues in International Development Environments
Issue: Fall 2004, Issue 8
DOT: dot-GOV
Summary: On September 16, the DOT-COM Alliance and InterAction co-hosted the fourth Speaker Series on ICTs and Development. The topic was Cyber-Security Issues in International Development Environments. A panel of four cyber-security experts provided a rich learning experience and opportunities for discussions.
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Title: EVENT: Online Professional Development for Educators
Issue: Spring/Summer 2004, Issue 7
DOT: dot-EDU
Summary: On May 6th, 2004, DOT-COM and InterAction co-hosted the third session in its speaker series on ICTs and Development, focusing on Online Professional Development for Educators. Over 60 participants attended the session held at AED's conference center in Washington, DC.
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Title: Powering ICTs and the Internet in Hard-to-Reach Places
Issue: Winter 2003, Issue 6
DOT: dot-ORG
Summary: On Wednesday, October 1st, over 40 professionals met at the USAID Ronald Reagan Building for a panel of informative presentations and discussions on this topic. The session was organized by USAID's Office of Energy and Information Technology in collaboration with Winrock International and Academy for Educational Development (AED), part of the DOT-COM Alliance/dot-ORG.
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Title: Supporting Regional Collaboration on Cyber-Security
Issue: Winter 2003, Issue 6
DOT: dot-GOV
Summary: The dot-GOV program helps support government efforts to encourage new telecom operators and ISPs while providing confidence-building regulation that prevents abuse of greater ICT access. Issues arise because the transborder nature of cyber crime crosses the territoriality of national law enforcement authorities.
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Title: The Impact of ICTs on Democratization and Good Governance
Issue: Fall 2003, Issue 5
Summary: On June 5th, 2003, DOT-COM and InterAction co-hosted the first session in its speaker series on ICTs and Development, on the Impact of ICTs on Democratization and Good Governance. Over 60 participants attended the session held at AED's conference center in Washington, DC.
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Title: Strategies to Cross the Gender Digital Divide
Issue: Summer 2003, Issue 4
Summary: Information and communication technology (ICT) offers potent tools to overcome obstacles women and girls typically face, and opens new opportunities in education, political participation, health care, and income generation. For example, ICT bridges communication barriers by allowing women to access many of these opportunities without having to leave their homes, villages, or communities. To realize this potential, ICT activities must recognize and address gender differences that affect ICT access, usage, and benefits. Recognition of these barriers starts at the policy level and continues through to final evaluation. Without such explicit consideration of gender equity, ICT activities may inadvertently exacerbate rather than bridge the gender digital divide.
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Title: DOT-COM TAG Shares Thoughts on Future of ICT and Development
Issue: Spring 2003, Issue 3
Summary: As part of the First Annual Technical Advisory Group (TAG) meeting, October 22nd, 2002, the eight TAG members each shared their thoughts about the future of ICT for development over the next five years. Summaries of their statements are listed below
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Title: Promoting Innovation at Community Internet Centers
Issue: Winter 2002, Issue 2
DOT: dot-ORG
Summary: The Community Internet Centers Project, known as CIC, will pilot new and innovative uses of ICTs via community Internet centers and other public Internet access points worldwide. CIC will also provide rapid technical assistance to USAID Missions by project and resource partner staff. At then end of the two year project, a report will be written which documents these new models and the lessons learned from CIC.
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Title: Small Pilot Projects offer Governments Short-term Technical Assistance
Issue: Fall 2002, Issue 1
DOT: dot-GOV
Summary: Since October 2001, Internews Network, through dot-GOV, has responded to five requests for pilot technical assistance activities funded by the core dot-GOV cooperative agreement. These pilot projects have been short in duration but provide the host government with key information that helps move telecommunications restructuring forward, with the ultimate goal of providing universal access and service.
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Title: USAID Welcomes You to DOT-COMments!
Issue: Fall 2002, Issue 1
Summary: Welcome to the first issue of our e-newsletter, DOT-COMments, a quarterly review of the recent accomplishments and activities of the DOT-COM Alliance.
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Core funding for the DOT-COM Alliance is provided by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), Bureau for Economic Growth, Agriculture & Trade, Office of Infrastructure and Engineering (EGAT/OI&E), Office of Education (EGAT/ED), and Office of Women in Development (EGAT/WID), under the terms of Award numbers: GDG-A-00-01-00009-00, dot-GOV; GDG-A-00-01-00014-00, dot-ORG; GDG-A-00-01-00011-00, dot-EDU. |
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