Supporting Regional Collaboration on Cyber-Security
Cyber-security is one of the most important prerequisites to the applied use of the Internet and telecommunications systems for e-commerce, e-business and e-government. Without secure systems, integrity, availability, and confidentiality of computer systems and telecommunication networks are at risk. Cyber-security legislation and means of protecting systems and services from cybercrime needs to be linked to telecommunications policies promoting market competition.
The dot-GOV program helps support government efforts to encourage new telecom operators and ISPs while providing confidence-building regulation that prevents abuse of greater ICT access. Issues arise because the transborder nature of cyber crime crosses the territoriality of national law enforcement authorities.
dot-GOV Promotes International Cyber-Security Efforts
dot-GOV began this effort in 2002 by providing administrative assistance to speakers from the Computer Crime and Intellectual Property Section of the U.S. Department of Justice and the Federal Bureau of Investigation to give cybercrime presentations at an Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) meeting in Moscow, Russia. The two-day workshop, funded by the State/USAID Telecom Leadership Program, drew over fifty, mostly senior, officials from APEC and AID recipient Asian countries - convincing us of the high importance given internationally to cyber-security.
During July-August 2003, dot-GOV played a lead role in fostering greater regional collaboration by organizing two workshops, one in Southeast Asia and one among South East European countries to educate policymakers, regulators, and officials tasked with cyber security.
Cybercrime Conference of Experts and Training Seminar
The Southeast Asian workshop, "Cybercrime Conference of Experts and Training Seminar," was held 21-25 July at Bangkok, Thailand, and attended by over 120 delegates from 17 countries. The workshop was organized by the Computer Crime and Intellectual Property Section of the U.S. Department of Justice and hosted by the National Electronics and Computer Technology Center, Ministry of Information and Communication Technology, Thailand, with joint funding from APEC, State, and USAID/Asia & Near East Bureau through the dot-GOV program.
Discussions focused on developing requisite legal frameworks for preventing cyber crime; improving law enforcement investigative units with training and equipment to investigate and deter computer crime; and increasing cooperation between industry and law enforcement agencies to reduce the opportunities for abuse of ICTs.
For APEC members, the workshop provided a foundation for the second phase of the Cyber crime Legislation and Enforcement Capacity Building Project. Opportunities for follow-on training and means for exchanging information among countries were identified and two bi-lateral workshops for Thailand and Indonesia were held as a direct outcome of the regional workshop.
South East European Cyber-security Conference
The "South East European Cyber-Security Conference" held at Sofia, Bulgaria on 8-9 September, was attended by 14 countries. The conference was funded by the USAID/E&E regional IT4D program with support from EGAT, and organized by the U.S. State Department, Department of Political and Military Affairs and the Government of Bulgaria, with support from USAID/Bulgaria, USAID/Washington, and SETA Corporation. dot-GOV contributed staff time to assist with logistics and coordination of the workshop along with contributions from the Internews/CDT Global Internet Policy Initiative.
The conference focused on collaboration at national and regional levels to protect critical information infrastructures by creating a culture of cyber-security through education and awareness-building; information-sharing; and government-industry cooperation. Means to investigate and mitigate shared vulnerabilities and interdependencies were also discussed. To facilitate post-conference collaboration, a website has been established: www.cybersecuritycooperation.org
dot-GOV contributed to the Russian and the SEA workshop through the USAID/EGAT/EIT (under the dot-GOV Leader Award No. GDG-A-00-01-00009-00).
For More Information, Contact: Sarah Tisch, Ph.D.
Chief-of-Party, dot-GOV
Internews Network
Tel: 202 833-5740 x 203
George Sadowsky
Senior Technical Advisor, dot-GOV
Internews Network
Tel: 202 833 5740 x 200
Core funding for the DOT-COM Alliance is provided by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), Bureau for Economic Growth, Agriculture & Trade, Office of Infrastructure and Engineering (EGAT/OI&E), Office of Education (EGAT/ED), and Office of Women in Development (EGAT/WID), under the terms of Award numbers: GDG-A-00-01-00009-00, dot-GOV; GDG-A-00-01-00014-00, dot-ORG; GDG-A-00-01-00011-00, dot-EDU. |
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