Project Highlights
Improving Primary Schools
Basic Education I & II Projects
Monitoring Primary Schools
Education Quality improvement Program 2:
Educational Policy, Systems Development, and Management (EQUIP 2)

2003 —
Project Director :
John Gillies
[email protected]


EQUIP 2 is an innovative program designed to improve the quality of education and learning outcomes by addressing systemic constraints. EQUIP 2 seeks to improve decision-making on education policy and programs and to improve policy and program implementation through the development of effective, sustainable systems, organizational capacity, and management. The focus on policy and systems in EQUIP 2 complements and supports activities in the other EQUIP projects, which address improvements at the school and classroom level (EQUIP 1) and issues related to youth and employment (EQUIP 3).

Assist countries to develop, manage, and monitor education sector policies and plans that support national macroeconomic plans
Reinforce national Education for All (EFA) planning committees, the decentralization of education, and the involvement of civil society in education
Support the design, development, and improvement of education data collection, storage, analysis, and application systems
Strengthen education administration, management, finance, and planning

Develop policies, programs, and systems addressing priority issues, including school-to-work, primary to secondary transition, AIDS and education, gender equity, school readiness, incentives for private provision of learning systems, education in crisis and post-crisis situations, and reaching the underserved
Foster policy dialogue on the role of education in national development and competitiveness, encouraging the participation of civil society and the private sector
Address the challenges of education finance, balancing the role of the government, private sector and communities, and exploring alternative approaches
Support decentralization planning and local school system management
Strengthen national EMIS systems for improved data collection, analysis, and use for policy formulation and monitoring