Project Highlights
Improving Primary Schools
Basic Education I & II Projects
Monitoring Primary Schools
Basic Education System Overhaul

2002 to 2004
$14.2 million; total budget for the five years is $25.5 million

Chief of Party
Home Office Project Coordinator
Thomas Tilson
[email protected]

Brenda Thomas
[email protected]

The primary objective of BESO II is to improve the quality and equity of primary education in Ethiopia, building on successes of the Basic Education System Overhaul (BESO I) Project. While working with the national Ministry of Education in Addis Ababa, BESO I gave special attention to strengthening the education system in two of the regions, Tigray and the Southern Nations, Nationalities Peoples' Region (SNNPR). The BESO Project was designed around five major objectives as follows:
Improved quality and equity of the primary school environment
Improved efficiency and effectiveness of Ministry services
Improved pre service teacher training
Improved decentralized management
Improved sectoral financing.
The project started in two districts and the central government and is now being taken nationally in Phase II.

As part of BESO II, AED provides technical services in the following nine contract components:
Pre-service teacher training
In-service teacher training
School leadership training
Supplementary media development and training
Socially relevant curriculum integration
Women teacher support systems
Capacity building of the MOE and REBs to manage direct financial support
Personnel and instructional materials management, planning, monitoring, evaluation and information systems, and student assessment
Monitoring, evaluating, reporting, and analysis

Some of the activities of BESO II include:
Short- and long-term technical assistance (TA)
Support to/provision of non-academic in-country and third-county workshops, conferences, training, and observation tours
Provision of capacity building equipment and materials to participating teacher training colleges and institutes
Provision of basic materials production and reproduction equipment and supplies to cluster center schools; development and dissemination of information on teacher development and child-centered/active-learning best practices
Development, production, dissemination, and training in use of self-instructional continuing education "kits" for lower primary teacher in-service training
Data collection, harmonization where necessary, analysis, and reporting, as part of an overall BESO-II monitoring support function
Provision of necessary equipment to complement assistance to intermediaries as appropriate

Other AED Projects in Ethiopia
Basic Support for Institutionalizing Child Survival (BASICS I & II), USAID, 1993 to 2004
Behavior Change, Innovation, State of the Art (The CHANGE Project), USAID, 1998 to 2004
Food and Nutrition Technical Assistance Project (FANTA), USAID, 1998 to 2003
Measure Three Project- Dissemination and Utilization of Data, USAID, 1997 to 2003
Support for Analysis and Research in Africa (SARA I and II), USAID, 1992 to 2003
Health and Human Resources Analysis for Africa (HHRAA), USAID, 1992 to 2003
Sustainable Approaches for Nutrition in Africa (SANA), USAID, 1995 to 2003