Djimé Diakite - an artist on the web in Bougouni, Mali
Poster by Djimé Diakite, artist/painter in Bougouni, Mali.
Poster by Djimé Diakite, artist/painter in Bougouni, Mali.
Djimé Diakite is an agro-engineer by training and artist by vocation. He comes to the CLIC in Bougouni to work on his web site and to try to share his art work across the world through the Internet. This poster depicting a traditional mask was scanned at the CLIC and posted on Djimé Diakite’s web site.

Djimé Diakite a une formation d’ingénieur agricole et est artiste par vocation. Il vient au CLIC de Bougouni pour travailler sur son site web et pour partager ses œuvres d’art à travers l’Internet. Cette affiche a été scannée au CLIC et ensuite mise sur son site.
Mali CLICs- Establishing Community Learning & Information Centers in Underserved Malian Communities dot-ORG has established 13 Community Learning and Information Centers (CLICs) across Mali, offering a range of fee-for-use services including Internet access, development-oriented information, e-mail accounts, training in computer and Internet use and applications, desktop publishing, ICT services for local entrepreneurs and customized locally development content.

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