Programa Para o Futuro - Weekly Update

Project Activities of June 23-27, 2003 - page 2
Second Gender Perspective session with teachers
A third activity session with teachers was conducted by the Gender Perspective Specialist, Zoracy Guerra from Casa de Passagem. In this activity, teachers watched the film ‘Shirley Valentine’ and they had a discussion on gender, roles and the preconceived view society has of these roles. These series of sessions working with teachers have the purpose of having them identify trends and signs of gender differences, on a process of making them more ‘sensitive’ to possible situations in and out of the classroom seen within youth. In the future, the Gender Specialist will be organizing activities with youth to also raise questions and work with them, in collaboration with teachers.
e-Mentoring launch
Student feedback
Gender training
Partnering activities
Staff News
Student work
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Partnership Development - Deloitte Consulting and the Program
The Program staff, including representatives from the implementing partners and the Program’s Social Assistant held the second meeting with Ms Júlia Castro and Ms Érica Raposo, both from the Management Solutions area at Deloitte Consulting, the largest consulting firm in Brazil and the second largest in the world. Based on our initial meeting (CDI-PE’s Activity Coordinator and the Project Coordinator only were present at the first meeting) they prepared a presentation with the goals of the Program regarding the final profile of the youth, adding information about market demand and the key points to be worked on with the youth. The staff from Deloitte stressed the importance of ‘behavioral skills’ (everything but the technical, such as communication, initiative, team work, ability to deal with problems, etc.) in the market place across different professions and levels of hierarchy in the market. They are planning to have at least two other moments to meet and work with the Program. The first is an activity with teachers only to have them involved and contributing to build this multi-skilled youth. The next would be working directly with the youth. The Program’s meeting with Deloitte was of great importance for the team to have our objectives and methodology validated and reinforced by a highly recognized consulting firm in the market. This partnership, facilitated by CDI-PE’s Activity Coordinator Josélia Caldas, will be incredibly important to our Program in building the capacity of our staff and youth and in reaching out to the business community in Recife and Brazil. It will also be essential for the internship searching phase, when the private sector and organizations will know that the Program had Deloitte's consulting collaborating with the preparation of the young professionals for the market.
A Thank You! ... to our staff and their contributions

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Magda da Silva: Portuguese teacher Magda da Silva has been performing a great work. One of her students, Eduardo, said during the youth’s feedback session: ‘I have always had difficulties with Portuguese and used to hate it. But now, I have my ‘Portuguese mother’, teacher Magda, who has been really helping me work on the projects and things have been working more smoothly since then’. She usually works on the projects partnering with the math teacher Sandro, showing great ability to work in teams and integrated with her colleagues from different subjects. Thank you, Magda!
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Sandro da Silva: Math teacher Sandro da Silva is a great spirit and is very flexible to work with his colleagues from different subjects. Math is usually not a natural subject to be integrated into other subjects, but he has been able to raise needs and its application in projects related to sofware, Portuguese, employability and creativity instruction. With his math partner, teacher Joselilo, he worked on the soccer field project, where youth researched the official measurements for the field and had to draw it in paintbrush. He thought it extremely important as they worked with scale and proportion, which many youth did not know how to work with. According to him, this activity reinforced what youth could not learn properly in the formal school and had the excitement of using computers. Thank you, Sandro!

Student Projects: Student Messags to their E-Mentor
Olá, meu nome é Rafael Felipe, tenho 19 anos, estou terminando o segundo grau, gosto de fazer amizades, praticar esportes principalmente futebol, sou um cara muito curioso estou sempre por dentro de tudo que acontece de novo, sou otimista acredito muito em mim e no meu potencial, um dos defeitos que tenho é que não gosto de esperar por que sou muito ansioso. Espero que você seja não só um mentoring como um amigo, e ajude a realizar um dos meus sonhos que é trabalhar na área da informática sendo um bom profissional e ajudar a resolver meus problemas não só profissional como pessoal e que agente se torne grandes amigos.

Hi, my name is Rafael Felipe, I am 19 years old and concluding high school. I enjoy making friends, practicing sports, mainly soccer, and I am a very curious guy who likes to be informed about everything new. I am an optimist and believe in myself and in my potential. One of my weaknesses is that I am impatient to wait for things. I hope you can be not only a mentor but also a friend and that you can help me reach one of my dreams which is working in the IT field as a good professional and that you can help me deal with my problems, professionally and personally. I hope we can be great friends.
Chamo-me Aline, tenho 19 anos, moro com os meus pais e uma irmã no bairro do Vasco da Gama. Já conclui o ensino médio e hoje estou participando deste maravilhoso curso. Sou uma pessoa que adoro fazer amigos e ser amiga, gosto muito de namorar. Namoro um rapaz há 4 anos e 7 meses. Outra coisa que eu curto muito é comer desde que não seja verdura, não é a toa que sou bem fofinha. curto muito dançar de tudo, exceto macumba. Graças a Deus tenho uma família maravilhosa, um ótimo namorado e amigos nota 10. Não tenho nenhum vicio a não ser que conversar muito seja um, pois se tem uma pessoa que gosta de conversar essa pessoa sou eu. Tenho um pequeno problema não sou muito boa de escrever por isso os meus e-mails serão bem pequenos, espero que você compreenda e que com o decorrer do tempo esse meu problema seja superado. Espero que sejamos bons amigos, nem o conheço, mas, já gosto muito de você, estou bastante ansiosa para receber o seu e-mail e lógico, conhecê-lo pessoalmente.
My name is Aline, I am 19 years old, live with my parents and a sister in the district of Vasco da Gama. I have concluded high school and now I am participating in this marvelous course. I love making friends and being a friend. I also love to be with my boyfriend. I have been dating my boyfriend for 4 years and 7 months. Another thing I really enjoy is eating everything but vegetables, not easy to guess why I am fluffy. I love dancing all styles but ‘macumba’ (African religious ritual) Thanks God I have a wonderful family, a great boyfriend and excellent friends. I have no vices except if talking too much is considered as one, as I am one that really likes it.
I have a little problem, I am not very good in writing, so my emails will be very short. I hope you understand and that along time my problem will be addressed. I hope we can be good friends. I don’t even know you, but I already like you a lot. I am looking forward to receiving your emails and, of course, meeting you in person.

O Programa Para o Futuro é financiado pela Missão da
Agência Norte-Americana para o Desenvolvimento Internacional (USAID) e
administrado pela Academia para o Desenvolvimento da Educação (AED) e projeto dot-ORG
sob o Acordo de Cooperação #512-A-00-02-00017-00.