Programa Para o Futuro - Weekly Update

Project Activities of June 23-27, 2003
I. Training Program Activities:
E-Mentoring training session with youth
Youth went through the first three of the five-day E-Mentoring training activity, conducted by the E-Mentoring Coordinator Cida Cavalcante of Porto Digital. On day one, they did an ice-breaker activity talking about the origin of their names, then the E-Mentoring Coordinator gave an introduction about the goals and the overall content of the activity. Finally
e-Mentoring launch
Student feedback
Gender training
Partnering activities
Staff News
Student work
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they prepared a presentation, by dividing into groups and preparing a board with pictures and drawings expressing their expectations about the activity and their future mentors. One of the boards, for example, had the picture of three business men representing the mentors and the impacting phrase: ‘I can see far away, by supporting myself in wide shoulders’, representing the reaching to the market through the mentors’ support and guidance. On day two, youth wrote their profiles (some examples are attached at
the end of the report) including information such as who they are, what they currently do and their expectations regarding the activity and their future mentors, so that it can be sent to the mentors during the initial phase of familiarization (These profiles will soon be added to the new project web site.). On day three, they learned how to install and configure an instant messenger tool on their computers and learned to use all its features by exchanging messages among themselves and with the teachers.

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Student Feedback
Youth from both sessions (morning and afternoon) had a 30-minute session talking to the implementing partners, as a way of having partners communicating with youth to know their opinions and to get feedback on the activities from the start of the training. First, each member of the implementing partners were reintroduced to the youth and then youth presented the expectations’ board they had produced in the E-Mentoring activity. Next, each representative of the partners made questions to know youth’s feedback. Some of the feedback from the youth is listed below:

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“Many of us didn’t have any experience with computers but now we are all at similar levels.”
“We thought it would be a usual basic computer course but now we see how this program is ahead of other programs, both in the technical and supplemental abilities aspect.”
“On a usual computer course, they give us isolated theory, but in this program we have the information based on projects and we can experiment everything in real practice.”
“We would like to have some training or practicing on typing as some of us take too long to do it.”
“At the beginning we were not sure if the dynamics of having Portuguese, math and software would work, but now we see how it works together and its importance. We see now that we are in an innovative program.”
“I liked the fact that the first project explored our creativity (using Paintbrush) and made us think about ourselves, our wishes and expectations at the ‘Who am I’ project.”
“We see the need of switching members of groups more frequently to get used to working with different people and know them more.”
“I have never seen such a program where the coordination team came to talk to us to see our opinions and suggestions.”
“We are impressed on how the teachers are united.”
“Our teachers have been very important to us, not only because of the learning we have with them, but mainly because their friendship and real care with us.”
“Usually we are very excited at the beginning of a course and gradually start to become less motivated because of the many difficulties we go through, such as the need of working to earn money and support our families. But the fact that the Program staff is working and believing in us without even knowing who we are gives us strength for us to keep our journey.”

The Program Para o Futuro Project is funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)
and is conducted by the Academy for Educational Development (AED) and the dot-ORG program
under Cooperative Agreement No. 512-A-00-02-00017-00.