Project or Department: SEAMEO
One of the Centers of SEAMEO is INNOTECH, the SEAMEO Regional Center for Educational Innovation and Technology hosted by the Government of the Republic of the Philippines and based in Quezon City, Philippines. SEAMEO INNOTECH came into being on March 5, 1969 when its Interim Project Office was set up in Bangkok and an interim project director was appointed. It was officially born in January 1970 when its First Five-Year Plan and Interim Plan of Operation for 1970-1971 were approved. SEAMEO INNOTECH has been the most peripatetic of all SEAMEO regional centers. Its Interim Project Office was set up at SEAMES in Bangkok. SEAMEC decided to establish the Center in Singapore in May 1970, then transferred it to Saigon in July 1973. It was relocated in Bangkok in 1975. Starting 1 July 1976, SEAMEO INNOTECH was temporarily hosted by the Philippines. On 1 July 1981, the temporary arrangement became a permanent one. In March 1983, it moved to its permanent home which was constructed with a generous grant from the Japanese Government and a donation from the Philippine Government for site development and furniture.
Organization Type:
DOT: dot-EDU
Web Site:
For more information on working with INNOTECH:
Through dot-EDU: |
Stephen Tournas, dot-EDU CTO
Email: Tel: +1 202 712-0154
Education Development Center
William Wright, Program Director
Email: Tel: +1 202 572-3700 |
UPPO Box 207
Quezon City
Phone: 011 63 (2) 924-7681 to 4
Alt. Phone: 928-73-48 928-76-92
Fax: (63-2) 921-0224
Country Experience:
Institutional Capacities: