Twelve CLICs to Economic, Social, and Political Growth in Mali

Map of Mali with smiling kids In response to the development challenges that Malians face, USAID/Mali, through the dot-ORG project and AED, is enabling local NGOs, teacher training centers, local mayoral offices, rural development parastatals, and private radio stations, to establish and operate at least 12 Community Learning and Information Centers (CLICs) across the country.

These multi-purpose centers will provide reliable public access to a wide range of development-related information through computers, the Internet and other technologies.

Abdoulaye Mohamed Doumbia, the General Treasurer of INAGEF and the CLIC Project Coordinator, Aminata Maiga Fofana. CLICs will be established in the following cities and towns in Mali: Segou, Niono, Djenné, Mopti, Bandiagara, Gao, Kidal, Bougoula, Ouelessebougou, Bougouni, Kadiolo, Bamako, and Kangaba

These CLICs are designed to meet community needs and actively support development objectives of the Government of Mali and USAID/Mali. Support for the CLICs has come from each of the four Strategic Objective (SO) teams of the USAID/Mali Mission, and the Special Objective team Communications for Development is providing support and overall project management.

What the CLICs will offer
The CLICs will offer a range of fee-for-use services including Internet access (where available), development-oriented information, e-mail accounts, training in computer and Internet use and applications, desktop publishing, WorldSpace radio programming, ICT services for local entrepreneurs, and customized local development content. The project will also work closely with the Government of Mali and local and international NGOs currently working in Mali to help them use these CLICs as outreach and service delivery tools to underserved parts of the population.

Institut Africain de Gestion et de Formation (INAGEF) sign. Partners
  • The dot-ORG project (part of USAID's DOT-COM Alliance) is administered by the Academy for Educational Development (AED), the primary implementing partner. AED is an independent, non-profit service organization based in Washington, D.C.
  • The Institut Africain de Gestion et de Formation (INAGEF), is responsible for the daily management and oversight of the project. INAGEF is a Malian NGO based in Bamako, Mali with strong history in capacity development.
  • World Links will help with training of CLIC staff and provide ongoing technical assistance, and procure equipment. World Links is an independent NGO based in Washington, D.C.
  • The Malian Ministries of Education, Health, Territorial Administration, Communications and New Information Technologies, and Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries.
  • The Mali Office of New Information and Communication Technologies, which is spearheading efforts to provide community telecenters in each of Mali's 703 communes.
  • US Government's Education for Development and Democracy Initiative (EDDI).
Project Priorities
  • Sustainability: The CLICs will engage broad local participation and will seek to be sustainable after the funding ends. Several sustainability strategies, including creating a CLIC association, the use of pre-paid vouchers, fee-for-use services, and effective governance and management structures will be used.
  • High value content and service delivery: Partnering with NGOs and government agencies, the CLICs will provide valuable sources of information in such areas as education, economic growth, agribusiness, health, democratic governance, and information technology. Local communities will also generate and publish their content for the Internet and other media.
  • Community focus: The CLICs will serve as community centers and will respond to specific community needs through user training in content development, ICT use, and, where possible, value-added services such as business development and management. The CLICs will be owned by the local communities, and managed by a local management committee fully empowered by members of the communities to make decisions on their behalf.
  • Gender: The CLIC project will focus on enabling gender equity by ensuring that both women and men participate in the CLICs, as users, and as managers/trainers.
AED was awarded the Mali CLIC Project for a period of two years between May 2003 - May 2005 (Award No. 688-G-00-03-00038-00 under the dot-ORG Leader Award No.GDG-A-00-01-00014-00).

For More Information, Contact:
Michael Tetelman
Acting Director, dot-ORG
Academy for Educational Development
Tel: 202 884 8856

CLIC Project Coordinator, Academy for Educational Development

Related Resource Partners
Related DOT-COM Activity
Mali CLICs- Establishing Community Learning & Information Centers in Underserved Malian Communities
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