This 8th issue of the DOT-COMments eNewsletter is the first being produced since I took over the position of Information and Dissemination Coordinator for the DOT-COM Alliance. This appears to be as good an opportunity as any to introduce myself as well as some changes in the newsletter itself. Many of you have probably been in contact in the past with my predecessor, Siobhan Green. Siobhan continues to work closely with me in a consulting capacity, in particular in the redesign of our DOT-COM Alliance web site and intranet.
The first change to the newsletter that you will have noticed is this editorial. The editorial will provide a framework for the rest of the content of the newsletter. In future issues, the editorial may introduce a theme for some or all or the main articles, or it may briefly address a cross-cutting issue.
More broadly, the DOT-COMments newsletter is going to evolve to reflect the evolution of the DOT- COM Alliance itself. The Alliance is entering its fourth year of existence. With a significant number of projects under way - and some already completed - is now time to more systematically document results, capture lessons learned and expand dissemination efforts.
While the newsletter will continue to inform you about the design of new projects and events such as workshops and seminars, many of the articles in each issue will focus on results achieved and lessons learned.
This issue of the DOT-COMments eNewsletter is a "transition issue". Many of the articles in this issue do mention assessment methods, results and lessons learned, and with the support of the many article contributors, I am hoping to continue this trend.
An article on Brazil's Programa para o futuro celebrates the project's recent completion, successes and lessons learned;
I hope youll enjoy reading this issue and I would like to encourage you to send feedback. Your comments will always be welcome!
Barbara Fillip, Ph.D.
Information and Dissemination Coordinator
DOT-COM Alliance
For More Information, Contact: Barbara Fillip
Evaluation & Communication Specialist, DOT-COM Academy for Educational Development
Tel: 202 884-8003
Core funding for the DOT-COM Alliance is provided by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), Bureau for Economic Growth, Agriculture & Trade, Office of Infrastructure and Engineering (EGAT/OI&E), Office of Education (EGAT/ED), and Office of Women in Development (EGAT/WID), under the terms of Award numbers: GDG-A-00-01-00009-00, dot-GOV; GDG-A-00-01-00014-00, dot-ORG; GDG-A-00-01-00011-00, dot-EDU.
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