Title: Innovative Combinations of Energy and ICT
Issue: September 2006, Issue 17
DOT: dot-ORG
Summary: Winrock International is implementing three pilot projects that take an integrated approach to expanding ICT and energy access under its subagreement with the dot-ORG program.
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Title: Gender Strategies in dot-ORG Projects
Issue: May 2005, Issue 11
DOT: dot-ORG
Summary: What do dot-ORG projects in Mali, Brazil, Macedonia and Uganda have in common beyond the fact that they all involve the provision of some form of information technology? They have all designed strategies that take gender into account, strategies that ensure that women have the same opportunities as men to access and utilize information technology.
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Title: Project Results and Lessons - ICT and Employability Training for Poor Brazilian Youth
Issue: Fall 2004, Issue 8
DOT: dot-ORG
Summary: Programa para o Futuro's innovative curriculum, integrating information and communication technology (ICT) and employability training has taught 50 disadvantaged Brazilian youths the workplace readiness and computer skills they needed to succeed in the technologically driven workplace of the 21st century.
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Title: IT College Scholarships for Disadvantaged Brazilian Youth
Issue: Spring/Summer 2004, Issue 7
DOT: dot-ORG
Summary: Programa Para o Futuro, the IT training for employability program for disadvantaged Brazilian youth, established a partnership with IBRATEC, the best 2-year private technical college in the North East of Brazil. Under this partnership, IBRATEC offered all 50 of the program's youth free scholarships to their IT degree program. Since eight youth are still in high school, only 42 youth were able to accept these scholarships to attend IBRATEC.
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Title: IT Employability Training Begins for Disadvantaged Brazilian Youth
Issue: Fall 2003, Issue 5
DOT: dot-ORG
Summary: On May 5, 2003, the USAID/Brazil funded Programa para o Futuro, (Program for the Future) officially started training activities in Recife, Brazil. The initiative will prepare the participating youth for employment opportunities as ICT technical support staff in small and medium enterprises, NGOs, and the public sector.
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Title: Strategies to Cross the Gender Digital Divide
Issue: Summer 2003, Issue 4
Summary: Information and communication technology (ICT) offers potent tools to overcome obstacles women and girls typically face, and opens new opportunities in education, political participation, health care, and income generation. For example, ICT bridges communication barriers by allowing women to access many of these opportunities without having to leave their homes, villages, or communities. To realize this potential, ICT activities must recognize and address gender differences that affect ICT access, usage, and benefits. Recognition of these barriers starts at the policy level and continues through to final evaluation. Without such explicit consideration of gender equity, ICT activities may inadvertently exacerbate rather than bridge the gender digital divide.
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Title: dot-ORG & Intel Collaborate for Sustainable Computer Clubhouses
Issue: Winter 2002, Issue 2
DOT: dot-ORG
Summary: The dot-ORG project is investing some of its pilot project funds to collaborate with Intel Computer Clubhouses in Brazil and South Africa to design and test strategies and business plans that may enable these Clubhouse and other types of public access centers become sustainable enterprises. To facilitate this collaborative pilot project, Intel and the Academy for Educational Development (AED) signed a memorandum of understanding in October 2002.
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Title: IT Training for Disadvantaged Brazilian Youth
Issue: Winter 2002, Issue 2
DOT: dot-ORG
Summary: In partnership with USAID/Brazil, dot-ORG has stated a new 18-month project to develop and carryout an innovative IT training and employability program for disadvantaged Brazilian youth in Recife, Brazil. To implement this challenging project, dot-ORG is partnering with four Brazilian NGOs via sub-agreements. Also, with help from USAID/Brazil and EGAT/EIT/IT, the project team, comprised of staff from dot-ORG and the four collaborating NGOs, is establishing public-private partnerships with local, national and multinational companies to help with this initiative.
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Core funding for the DOT-COM Alliance is provided by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), Bureau for Economic Growth, Agriculture & Trade, Office of Infrastructure and Engineering (EGAT/OI&E), Office of Education (EGAT/ED), and Office of Women in Development (EGAT/WID), under the terms of Award numbers: GDG-A-00-01-00009-00, dot-GOV; GDG-A-00-01-00014-00, dot-ORG; GDG-A-00-01-00011-00, dot-EDU. |
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