University of Pittsburgh (The GINIE Project)
Project or Department: International Institute for Studies in Education
The University of Pittsburghs International Institute for Studies in Education has longstanding expertise in lowering the costs and extending the reach of underserved populations to education, through the development of global networks. The Global Information Networks in Education (GINIE) proejct creates on-line learning communities focused on generational transitions. It cooperates with governmental and non-governmental entities around the world to: ensure continuous education for regions in crisis or transition; support professional capacity building; facilitate the creation of sustainable professional communications networks; and construct on-line professional development. GINIE has developed teacher resource centers providing Internet, CD-ROM and desktop publishing to overcome teacher isolation and lack of teaching materials, provided technological support for UN-based interagency education networks, and developed low-cost non-formal teacher training programs for Internet and CD-ROM based training of non-qualified individuals to rebuild teaching cadres decimated by civil unrest and HIV/AIDS.
Organization Type: University
DOT: dot-ORG dot-EDU
Web Site: http://www.pitt.edu/
Project Web Site: http://www.ginie.org
For more information on working with University of Pittsburgh:
Through dot-ORG: |
Laura P. Samotshozo
Tel: +1 202-712-4562
Michael Tetelman
Director, dot-ORG,
Academy for Educational Development
Tel: (202) 884-8856
Through dot-EDU: |
Jim Hoxeng
International Education Specialist, USAID Global Bureau / Center for Human Capacity Development
United States Agency for International Development
Tel: (202) 712-5191
Email: [email protected]
Roy Zimmermann
Project Director,
Education Development Center
Tel: (202) 572-3700
University of Pittsburgh
5K01 Posvar Hall
School of Education
United States
Phone: 412-648-7114
Alt. Phone: (412) 648-1783
Fax: 412-624-2609
Country Experience:
Eritrea, Ethiopia, Ghana, Guinea, Mali, Mauritania, Mozambique, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Somalia, South Africa
Asia & Near East
China, Indonesia, Mongolia, Morocco, Pakistan, Thailand
Europe & Eurasia
Latin America & Caribbean
Other Countries
Cuba, Djibouti, Iraq, Mauritius
Institutional Capacities:
Hardware, software, and physical infrastructure
Telecenters/Public Access Centers (installing LANs, establishing access, maintenance).
PC or online based training systems/ e-learning
Web design and development
Software and application development
Information systems & database development
Knowledge management, collaboration tools
Technical training (LAN admin, web design, PC maintenance, software development, etc)
Internationalization of software/web sites/training content
Connectivity and telecoms assessments (national/regional)
Portal design, development, maintenance
Application selection and integration
Content management applications
Public access to ICTs
Developing local partnerships with entrepreneurs, private sector
Organizational capacity building
Business development training activities to promote sustainability
Community access telecenter establishment
Public access /outreach for women and girls
Citizen participation/ civil society development
Building service delivery systems
Public information and relations
Portal design, development, maintenance
E-learning & e-training
Interactive web, CD-ROM or hybrid delivery learning systems
Repurposing face-to-face training to e-learning
Creating content for e-learning content
Implemening e-learning/e-training activities, and scaling up projects
Software development of digital delivery and administration applications
Localizing content and applications
ICT projects for targeted audiences
Virtual communities and electronic networks
ICT training for targeted communities
Telecommunications policy and regulations
Human resources and telecommunciations
Computer security policy
Monitoring and evaluation
M&E for ICT and development programs
Formative and quantitative evaluation
Measurement of innovation
Content development and repurposing
Content development for specific sectors
ICT and Formal Education
Curricula creation and reform
Interactive radio instruction
Teacher training
School administration and management reform and capacity building
Project-based learning through ICTs
Pedagogical analysis and evaluation