Joseph Kanyetu, Namibia
Joseph Kanyetu is 25 years old and works at Rundu College of Education in Namibia.
Joseph Kanyetu is 25 years old and works at Rundu College of Education in Namibia.
It was not very easy for me to start using a computer, in fact the first day I started using one was a very difficult day for me. This was back in the year 1999. I felt my fingers were very heavy and I could not press a key on the key board very easily. I practiced typing a lot which helped me and made my fingers get used to all the work. Now I can at least type 38 words per minute.

I started a 3 year training course at Rundu Vocational Training Centre, and most of my subjects were based on using a computer (Microsoft word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Publisher, Microsoft data processing, English and Accounting) I was then sent to the Rundu Teacher Resources Centre (RTRC) to do my job training, when I first joined the Learn Link Project in 2001 as part of the Regional Educational Technology Team (RETT).

While I worked at the Rundu Teacher Resource Center, I introduced computers to community members, teachers, students, student teachers and educational officers. I did this all on a volunteer basis for at least 3 years. I am now one of the people in my region who is known and recognized for giving basic trainings on how to use a computer; and many people have now invited me to their homes to be trained in basic computer and Internet skills.

In January 2004 I was recruited to work as a Computer Center Assistant at the Rundu College of Education also supported by iNET. In this position, I access and search for different websites to gather educational information for teacher educators as well as students, and provide many trainings to them. I am also able to read the news on websites instead of going and buying a news paper. Lastly, I do the majority of the program installations, troubleshooting and the networkingfor both the student and teacher labs. I have opened email addresses for many people and tell them the advantages of having or using an email address. Now many teachers are using email to communicate with each other and other teachers around Namibia and the world.

My life has become much better because I am earning a good wage at the end of each month which enables me to pay for my 4 sisters and 3 brothers at school.
Namibia - Initiative for Namibian Education Technology (iNET) The Initiative for Namibian Education Technology (iNET) supports the Ministry of Basic Education, Sport and Culture (MBESC) in the establishment of physical, online, and human resources within the Ministry, as well as policy development in relation to ICT, education, and training.