Tour guides use the CLICs to communicate with clients - Mali
Amadou Cissé and Moctar Cissé at the Djenné CLIC, February 24, 2005
Amadou Cissé and Moctar Cissé at the Djenné CLIC, February 24, 2005
Amadou Cissé and Moctar Cissé – who explained that they may share the same last name but they are not brothers – come to the Djenné CLIC almost daily. Both men are tour guides in Djenné and they use the CLIC almost daily to communicate with clients and friends via email. Tour guides also use the CLIC to design and print business cards.

Amadou (in the front), has been a regular client since the CLIC opened in May 2004. He suggested to the managers that they sell prepaid tickets at a discount for regular clients like himself, a pricing innovation that has now been implemented and is very popular.

Amadou Cissé et Moctar Cissé, qui précisent qu’ils partagent le même nom de famille mais qu’ils ne sont pas frères, viennent au CLIC presque tous les jours. Ils sont guides touristiques et ils ont besoins d’utiliser l’Internet pour recevoir et envoyer des emails a leurs clients. Les guides utilisent aussi beaucoup le CLIC pour faire des cartes de visite.

Amadou est un client régulier du CLIC depuis son ouverture en Mai 2004. Il a suggéré aux gérantes qu’elles vendent des tickets prépayes a réduction pour les clients réguliers comme lui. Les gérantes ont mis en place un système de tickets prépayes valide pour 5 heures d’accès a l’Internet sur une période de deux semaines. Les tickets prépayes sont maintenant très populaires.
Mali CLICs- Establishing Community Learning & Information Centers in Underserved Malian Communities dot-ORG has established 13 Community Learning and Information Centers (CLICs) across Mali, offering a range of fee-for-use services including Internet access, development-oriented information, e-mail accounts, training in computer and Internet use and applications, desktop publishing, ICT services for local entrepreneurs and customized locally development content.