Márcia Lidiane , Recife, Brazil
Márcia Lidiane lives in Recife, BRAZIL and is one of 50 youth in Programa Para O Futuro.
Márcia Lidiane lives in Recife, BRAZIL and is one of 50 youth in Programa Para O Futuro.
Hi, my name is Márcia Lidiane and I am 19 years old. The course at Programa Para o Futuro has been very rewarding for me. I have learned many things, not only in the technical area but also in personal areas as well.

I knew that it was important to be able to present myself with poise and confidence and to show people who I am and what my abilities are without being embarassed. Programa Para o Futuro helped me achieve these skills.

Before the training course, I was too shy to present myself to people. Now I am confident in my ability to offer my opinion in all situations and to show everyone that I am capable of reaching my dreams. 12/15/03
Brazil - Programa Para o Futuro dot-ORG has developed an innovative and ambitious workforce development program for at risk youth by integrating ICT training and employability activities.