Programa Para o Futuro Privacy Policy
The information in this web site may be reproduced and freely copied for public or private use as long as credit to Programa Para o Futuro project, USAID/Brazil and the dot-ORG project at the Academy for Educational Development. The web site's content may not be sold. If you use any of the content from the Programa Para o Futuro's web site, please let us know how the material was used via the site's Feedback Form.
The privacy of our visitor is important to us. Because we gather certain types of information about our users, we want to ensure that you fully understand the terms and conditions surrounding the collection and use of this information. The staff and organizations implementing Programa Para o Futuro DO NOT collect personal information when you visit our site. However, when you subscribe to any of the services provided by Programa Para o Futuro, upload information to our databases or download some documents and other resources, we may collect limited amounts of information. The information that we collect WILL NOT be shared with anyone outside the immediate project. We also automatically collect and store certain types of information, but not personal user information, to evaluate and improve our web site.
What We Collect and Store Automatically:
  Name of the domain from which people access the Internet (for example, "," if visitor use an America Online account, or "," if they connect from Princeton University's domain);
  Date and time people access our site; and,
  IP Address of the Web site from where people linked directly to our site.
If You Send Us E-mail
You may choose to provide personal information through e-mail via a comment, question or feedback. We use this information to improve our service to you or to respond to requests.
Terms to Know
A cookie is a small amount of data, which often includes an anonymous unique identifier, sent to a visitor's browser from a web site's computer and stored on the computer's hard drive. Each web site can send its own cookie to a browser if the browser's preferences allow it. To protect a users privacy browsers only permit a web site to access cookies it has already sent., not cookies sent by other sites. Once the user has closed the browser, the cookie will no longer be accessed during the session.
IP Address:
When a web browser or an email application requests a web page or email from another computer on the Internet, it automatically gives that computer the address where it should send the information. This is called the computer's "IP address." (IP stands for "Internet Protocol.") For many users, accessing the Internet from a dial-up Internet service provider (ISP), the IP address will be different every time they log on. The Programa Para o Futuro site uses this technology to learn about the geographical make-up of its web site traffic.