Programa Para o Futuro's Accessibility Statement
The Academy for Educational Development and Programa Para o Futuro strives to make the this web site fully accessible to users with disabilities, in accordance with Section 508 of the U.S. Rehabilitation Act. If you experience any difficulties with accessibility, please do not hesitate to contact our webmaster at .
The site has been tested using JAWS screen reader for Windows. Many of the documents included on this site are in Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) and require the Adobe Acrobat Reader or PDF-Viewer plug-in. This software is available for free download from Adobe. If you need to access a PDF through a screen reader, then please follow the instructions on Adobe's Acrobat Access 4.05 for Windows page. Additional plug-ins required may include Real Media Player or Apple QuickTime or Macromedia Flash. In the case of video and audio clips, transcripts are provided. Please contact .