Kenya Education Sector Support Program: dot-EDU (Kenya)
This activity, implemented under dot-EDU by AED involved the development of an Options Paper for the Ministry of Education of Kenya. ...
Zambia - Interactive Radio Instruction (IRI) for Out of School Youth: dot-EDU (Zambia)
This activity provides an alternative, interactive basic education program for orphans and out-of-school children, developing both the communications infrastructure and the technical capacity for th...
DOT-COMments eNewsletter Articles: Interactive Radio Instruction
Core funding for the DOT-COM Alliance is provided by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), Bureau for Economic Growth, Agriculture & Trade, Office of Infrastructure and Engineering (EGAT/OI&E), Office of Education (EGAT/ED), and Office of Women in Development (EGAT/WID), under the terms of Award numbers: GDG-A-00-01-00009-00, dot-GOV; GDG-A-00-01-00014-00, dot-ORG; GDG-A-00-01-00011-00, dot-EDU.
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